
This indicator is measured as the percentage of respondents who agree with the statement “I can influence decisions affecting my local area”, as measured by the Scottish Household Survey.

Source of Data:

The figures for this indicator come from the Scottish Household Survey (SHS), which is a National Statistics product, produced by the Scottish Government. It is published in the Scottish Household Survey Annual Report, which can be found here. An interactive data explorer for the SHS can be found here.

The measure for this indicator is the percentage of adults who strongly or tend to agree with the following statement:

'I can influence decisions affecting my local area'.

The options are:

  • Strongly agree
  • Tend to agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Tend to disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • No opinion



Criteria for Change:

  • Any difference within +/- 1.3 percentage point of last year's figure suggests that the position is more likely to be maintaining than showing any change.
  • An increase of 1.3 percentage point or more suggests the position is improving.
  • A decrease of 1.3 percentage point or more suggests the position is worsening.
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