Protected characteristics, as listed in the Equality Act (2010), are relevant to just over half of the National Performance Framework (NPF) National Indicators. 

There are 48 out of the 81 National Indicators that relate to people or households. These indicators could have associated equality data. However, it is not always possible to report data when very small numbers are involved. This is to ensure individuals are protected from being identified from these small groups of people. 

The remaining 27 National Indicators do not relate to people directly as they are Economic or Environmental indicators, and six National Indicators are in development and do not yet report data. We would not expect equality data for these indicators. 

Improving Equalities data

We work closely with analysts from across the Scottish Government to improve the reporting of equalities breakdowns for the NPF indicators where possible.

As a result, we now report all of the equality breakdowns available as standard for each of the 48 National Indicators relating to people. We do this through charts and supporting text, where available, underneath the population level reporting for each indicator. You can view the equality breakdowns by exploring the equality characteristics and their associated indicators below or by searching the "measuring progress" pages for each National Outcome

You can also download the data underlying the National Performance Framework, including equality characteristics where available, from the Scottish Government's Open Data platform

Alternatively, visit the Equality Evidence Finder to see the data on protected characteristics from the NPF National Indicators as well as from other Scottish Government data sources.

There are currently no NPF indicators broken down by Pregnancy and maternity or Gender reassignment.