Performance overview

The performance overview tracks progress toward National Outcomes. It shows how well Scotland is performing overall on the 81 National Indicators.

Performance is assessed as improving, maintaining or worsening based on the change between the last two data points of an indicator.

The assessment of performance is made objectively and impartially by senior analysts in the Scottish Government. Decisions on performance are made independently of Scottish Government Ministers.

Performance of our 81 National Indicators as at: 17th October 2024


Search National Outcomes
Performance Rating National Indicators

Performance Improving


Performance Maintaining


Performance Worsening


Performance to be confirmed


Indicator in development


Each of the 11 National Outcomes has a set of indicators that underpin them, and can help us understand if we are making progress.

As of 07 August 2024, the indicators on the NPF website are assessed as:

21 indicators show performance improving.

35 indicators show performance maintaining.

14 indicators show performance worsening.

11 indicators where no performance is able to be calculated.


Indicators where no performance is able to be calculated

  • As of 07 August 2024, we are unable to calculate a performance arrow for 11 of the 81 National indicators.
  • For 3 of the indicators, this is due to changes in data collection and methodology during COVID-19 which is only now becoming apparent in the NPF 2020 and 2021 data. These changes mean that the affected data is not comparable to previous years, so whilst we have published the data for these years, we cannot calculate a performance assessment of year-on-year comparisons as we would normally do.
  • This change in data collection means that the current break in the time series will remain for the affected indicators.
  • We are looking ahead to reporting performance again as soon as possible, likely via any updates with data from 2022 onwards when data collections returned to original formats and data will once again be comparable with the original time series.
  • The data that was collected during the changes in methodology will remain in a separate reporting area on the NPF website to ensure transparency and clarity for users, with information to help understand the time series and how to use this data appropriately. 
  • 6 of the indicators are currently in development. 
  • For the remaining 2 indicators, please see the Contribution of development support to other nations and Young people's participation charts for further details on why we are unable to calculate a performance arrows.



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