
The framework is for all of Scotland. We aim to:

  • create a more successful country
  • give opportunities to all people living in Scotland
  • increase the wellbeing of people living in Scotland
  • create sustainable and inclusive growth
  • reduce inequalities and give equal importance to economic, environmental and social progress


The values guide our approach, to:

  • treat all our people with kindness, dignity and compassion
  • respect the rule of law
  • act in an open and transparent way

National Outcomes

To help achieve its purpose, the framework sets out ‘National Outcomes’.

These outcomes describe the kind of Scotland it aims to create.

The outcomes:

  • reflect the values and aspirations of the people of Scotland
  • are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • help to track progress in reducing inequality

These national outcomes are that people:

  • grow up loved, safe and respected so that they realise their full potential (Children and Young People)
  • live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe (Communities)
  • are creative and their vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely (Culture)
  • have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy (Economy)
  • are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society (Education)
  • value, enjoy, protect and enhance their environment (Environment)
  • have thriving and innovative businesses, with quality jobs and fair work for everyone (Fair Work and Business)
  • are healthy and active (Health)
  • respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination (Human Rights)
  • are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally (International)
  • tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally (Poverty)

You can find out more about the National Outcomes and the descriptive paragraphs that underpin them in the explore the National Outcomes pages.

National Indicators

The framework measures Scotland’s progress against the National Outcomes. To do this, it uses ‘National Indicators’.

These indicators give a measure of national wellbeing. They include a range of economic, social and environmental indicators.

Download a pdf version of the National Performance Framework and other resources.

The list below sets out the 81 National Indicators we use to measure progress towards the National Outcomes, in alphabetical order.

The list also includes a description of what each indicator measures, which National Outcome each indicator is associated with, and the source of the data for each National Indicator.

You can view the progress of each National Indicator, including additional technical information, in the explore the National Outcomes pages or by following the links below.

List of National Indicators and what they measure in alphabetical order:


A positive experience for people coming to Scotland    
Measure: Overall percentage of migrants who feel they belong in their neighbourhood in Scotland
Outcome: International    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Access to green and blue space
Measure: Proportion of adults who live within a 5 minute walk of their local green or blue space
Outcome: Communities
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Access to justice    
Measure: The proportion of adults who are confident that the Scottish Criminal Justice System, as a whole, makes sure everyone has access to the justice system if they need it.
Outcome: Human Rights    
Source: Scottish Crime and Justice Survey    

Access to superfast broadband    
Measure: The percentage of residential and non-residential addresses where superfast broadband is available
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Ofcom Connected Nations Report    

Attendance at cultural events or places of culture    
Measure: Percentage of adults who have attended or visited a cultural event or place in the last 12 months
Outcome: Culture    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    


Measure: This indicator is a combination of trends for three measures of Scottish species: index of abundance of marine species (based on seabirds); index of abundance of terrestrial species; and index of occupancy of terrestrial species. (1994=100)
Outcome: Environment    
Source: NatureScot    


Carbon footprint 
Measure: Scotland's carbon footprint expressed in million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent 
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Scotland's Carbon Footprint    

Child Material Deprivation
Measure: Percentage of children in combined material deprivation and low income after housing costs (below 70% of UK median income)
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Family Resources Survey    

Child social and physical development    
Measure: The percentage of children with a concern at their 27-30 month review (as a % of children reviewed)
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Child Health 27-30 Month Review Statistics    

Child wellbeing and happiness    
Measure: The percentage of 4 to 12 year old children who have a “borderline” or “abnormal” score on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) section of the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS)
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as part of Scottish Health Survey    

Children have positive relationships    
Measure: Percentage of S2 and S4 pupils who report to have "three or more" close friends.
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Health and Wellbeing Census    

Children's voices    
Measure: The percentage of young people who feel adults take their views into account in decisions that affect their lives 
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Health and Wellbeing Census    

Clean seas (aka Marine Environment)  
Measure: Percentage of biogeographic regions with acceptably low levels of contaminants
Outcome: Environment    
Source: UK Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme    

Community ownership    
Measure: Number of assets in community ownership
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Community Ownership in Scotland    

Condition of protected nature sites
Measure: The percentage of natural features on protected nature sites found to be in favourable condition.
Outcome: Environment    
Source: Scottish Natural Heritage    

Confidence of children and young people
Measure: In development – not yet determined.
Outcome: Education    
Source: Health and Wellbeing Survey    

Contractually secure work 
Measure: The proportion of employees (aged 16 and above) who have a permanent contract.
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Annual Population Survey (APS)    

Contribution of development support to other nations  
Measure: The indicator is a composite that measures Scotland’s international development activities using Contribution of Development Support Index in three elements compared against a bassline score. 
Outcome: International    
Source: Scottish Government index on international best practise    

Cost of living    
Measure: The median percentage of net income spent on housing, fuel and food
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Living Costs and Food Survey    

Crime victimisation    
Measure: Proportion of adults who have been the victim of one or more crimes in the past year
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Scottish Crime and Justice Survey    


Economic growth    
Measure: The difference (percentage point) between GDP growth rate and the previous three year average
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Scotland's GDP (Scottish Government)    

Economic participation 
Measure: The gap between Scotland’s employment rate and the rate of the top performing country in the UK.
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Labour Force Survey    

Educational attainment (has sub-measures)    
Measure: sub-measure 1: percent of primary 1, 4 and 7 pupils attaining expected literacy level;
sub-measure 2: percent of secondary 3 pupils attaining expected literacy level;
sub-measure 3: percent of primary 1, 4 and 7 pupils attaining expected numeracy level;
sub-measure 4: percent of secondary 3 pupils attaining expected numeracy level;
sub-measure 5: percent of school leavers with 1 award or more at SCQF Level 4 or above;
sub-measure 6: percent of school leavers with 1 award or more at SCQF Level 5 or above;
sub-measure 7: percent of school leavers with 1 award or more at SCQF Level 6 or above;
Outcome: Education    
Source: Achievement of Curriculum for Excellent Levels     

Employee voice
Measure: The percentage of employees who agree that they are affected by collective agreement, defined as whether agreement between trade union and employer affect pay and conditions
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Labour Force Survey    

Employees on the living wage    
Measure: The percentage of workers earning less than the living wage.
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings    

Energy from renewable sources    
Measure: The percentage of energy consumption which comes from renewable energy sources
Outcome: Environment    
Source: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)    

Engagement in extra-curricular activities    
Measure: In development – not yet determined.
Outcome: Education    
Source: Health and Wellbeing Survey    

Entrepreneurial activity  
Measure: Total Early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rate: proportion of the adult working age population that is actively trying to start a business, or that own/manage a business which is less than 3.5 years old. 
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)    


Food insecurity
Measure: Proportion of people in Scotland in relative poverty after housing costs for three out of the last four years.
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Scottish Health Survey    


Gender balance in organisations    
Measure: The gap between male and female employment rate (positive gap represents higher male than female employment rate).
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Annual Population Survey    

Greenhouse gas emissions  
Measure: Greenhouse gas emissions as a percentage change achieved from the baseline figure in 1990
Outcome: Economy    
Source: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory    

Growth in the Arts, Culture and Creative Economy    
Measure: The amount of income generated by businesses, measured by Approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA), of the Creative Industries Growth Sector (GBP Millions). 
Outcome: Culture    
Source: Annual Business Survey (ONS)    


Health risk behaviours    
Measure: The proportion of adults with two or more risk behaviours (current smoker, harmful or hazardous drinker, low physical activity, obesity)
Outcome: Health    
Source: Scottish Health Survey    

Healthy life expectancy (has sub-measures)  
Measure: The average number of years a person spends in good health. Healthy life expectancy was analysed at birth and at 65 years.
Outcome: Health    
Source: National Records of Scotland    

Healthy start
Measure: The perinatal Mortality Rate per 1,000 births (stillbirths plus deaths in the first week of life).
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Vital Events Statistics, NRS    

Healthy weight (has sub-measures) 
Measures: The percentage of adults (aged 16+) who are a healthy weight, and 
The percentage of children (aged 2 to 15) who are a healthy weight.
Outcome: Health    
Source: Scottish Health Survey    

High growth businesses    
Measures: The percentage of businesses which are high growth businesses as a share of all registered businesses.
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR)    


Income Inequality    
Measure: Palma ratio of income inequality (total household income of the top 10% of population divided by that of the bottom 40%) expressed as a percentage
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Family Resources Survey    

Influence over local decisions
Measure: Percentage of people who agree with the statement "I can influence decisions affecting my local area".
Outcome: Human Rights    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Innovative businesses
Measure: The proportion of businesses that were innovation active during the survey period
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: UK Innovation Survey (UKIS)    

International exporting
Measure: The value, in GBP millions, of Scottish exports (excluding oil and gas)
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Export Statistics Scotland    

International relationships
Measure: In development – not yet determined.
Outcome: International    
Source: In development – not yet determined.


Journeys by active travel
Measure: The proportion of short journeys less than 2 miles that are made by walking and the proportion of journeys under 5 miles made by cycling.
Outcome: Health    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    


Measure: Percentage of adults who report feeling lonely “some, most, almost all or all of the time” in the last week
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    


Mental wellbeing    
Measure: Adults (aged 16+) average score on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS).
Outcome: Health    
Source: Scottish Health Survey    


Natural Capital
Measure: The Natural Capital Asset Index (NCAI) monitors the quality and quantity of terrestrial habitats in Scotland, according to their potential to deliver ecosystem services now and into the future. It is a composite index, based (i.e. equal to 100) in the year 2000.
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Scotland's Natural Capital Asset Index    


Participation in a cultural activity
Measure: Percentage of adults who have participated in a cultural activity in the last 12 months.
Outcome: Culture    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Pay gap  
Measure: The difference between male and female full-time hourly earnings, expressed as a percentage of male full-time hourly earnings.
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings    

People working in arts, culture and creative industries    
Measure: The number of jobs in the Creative Industries Growth Sector (culture and arts).
Outcome: Culture    
Source: Business Register and Employment Survey, ONS    

Perceptions of local area    
Measure: The percentage of adults who rate their neighbourhood as a very good place to live
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Perceptions of local crime rate    
Measure: Percentage of respondents who think crime in their area has stayed the same or reduced in the past two years.
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Scottish Crime and Justice Survey    

Persistent poverty 
Measure: Percentage of people who were concerned about running out of food due to a lack of money or other resources in the past 12 months.
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Derived by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for the UK-level Income Dynamics statistics and based on data from the Understanding Society Survey.    

Physical activity   
Measure: The proportion of adults (aged 16+) meeting the latest physical activity recommendations.
Outcome: Health    
Source: Scottish Health Survey    

Places to interact
Measure: Percentage of adults who agree that, in their neighbourhood, there are places where people can meet up and socialise
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Scottish Household Survey

Premature mortality    
Measure: The European Age-Standardised mortality rate per 100,000 people aged under 75 in Scotland (based on the 2013 European Standard Population).
Outcome: Health    
Source: Vital Events Statistics, NRS    

Measure: Scotland's Rank for productivity against key trading partners in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Labour Productivity / Quarterly National Accounts Scotland    

Public services treat people with dignity and respect    
Measure: In development – not yet determined.
Outcome: Human Rights    
Source: In development – not yet determined.


Quality of children's services 
Measure: Percentage of settings providing funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) achieving good or better across all four quality themes.
Outcome: Children and Young People    
Source: Care Inspectorate, Early Learning and Childcare Statistics    

Quality of healthcare experience 
Measure: Percentage of people who describe the overall care provided by their GP practice as Excellent or Good.
Outcome: Health    
Source: Health and Care Experience Survey    

Quality of public services 
Measure: Percentage of respondents who are  very or fairly satisfied with the local services
Outcome: Human Rights    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    


Relative poverty after housing costs 
Measure: Proportion of individuals living in private households with an equivalised income of less than 60% of the UK median after housing costs.
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Family Resources Survey    

Resilience of children and young people    
Measure: In development – not yet determined.
Outcome: Education    
Source: Health and Wellbeing Survey    


Satisfaction with housing
Measure: The percentage of households who report being either "very satisfied" or "fairly satisfied" with their house or flat.
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Scotland's population
Measure: The number of council areas experiencing population decline.
Outcome: International    
Source: NRS: Mid Year Population Estimates    

Scotland's reputation
Measure: Scotland’s overall score on the Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands IndexSM (NBISM).
Outcome: International    
Source: Anholt GfK-Roper Nation Brands Index (NBI - Scottish Government)    

Skill profile of the population   
Measure: Proportion of adults aged 16-64 with low or no qualifications at SCQF level 4 or below.
Outcome: Education    
Source: Annual Population Survey    

Skill shortage vacancies    
Measure: Proportion of establishments reporting at least one skills shortage vacancy
Outcome: Education    
Source: UK Employer Skills Survey    

Skills under-utilisation
Measure: Proportion of establishments with at least one employee with skills and qualifications more advanced than required for their current job role
Outcome: Education    
Source: UK Employer Skills Survey    

Social capital  
Measure: Social capital is the resource of social networks, community cohesion, social participation, trust and empowerment. The social capital index monitors aggregate changes in levels of social capital since 2013. The index is set to 100 in 2013.
Outcome: Communities    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    

Spend on research and development
Measure: Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) as a percentage of GDP.
Outcome: Economy    
Source: Gross Expenditure on Research and Development Scotland    

State of historic sites    
Measure: The percentage of pre-1919 dwellings (sites) classified as having disrepair to critical elements.
Outcome: Environment    
Source: Scottish House Condition Survey    

Sustainability of fish stocks
Measure: The percentage of fish stocks fished sustainably
Outcome: Environment    
Source: International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES)    


The number of businesses
Measure: The total number of private sector businesses (registered for Value Added Tax and/or Pay As You Earn) in Scotland per 10,000 adults
Outcome: Fair Work and Business    
Source: Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR)    

Trust in public organisations    
Measure: The 2020 Scottish Household Survey asked adult respondents to what extent they trust seven Scottish public institutions.
Outcome: International    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    


Unmanageable debt 
Measure: Proportion of households in unmanageable debt: either excessive debt repayments/arrears on commitments, or high debt levels relative to annual income
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Wealth and Assets Survey dataset     


Visits to the outdoors
Measure: Proportion of adults making one or more visits to the outdoors per week
Outcome: Environment    
Source: Scottish Household Survey    


Waste generated
Measure: Million tonnes of household waste generated in Scotland
Outcome: Environment    
Source: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)    

Wealth inequality    
Measure: This indicator measures wealth inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient which ranges from 0 (perfect equality) to 100 (maximal inequality).
Outcome: Poverty    
Source: Wealth and Assets Survey dataset     

Work place learning
Measure: Percentage of employees who received on the job training in the last 3 months
Outcome: Education    
Source: Annual Population Survey    

Work related ill health
Measure: The prevalence of self-reported illness caused or made worse by work for people working in the previous 12 months.
Outcome: Health
Source: Labour Force Survey    


Young people's participation
Measure: Percentage of young adults (16-19 year olds) participating in education, training or employment
Outcome: Education    
Source: Annual Participation Measure, Skills Development Scotland    


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