
Versions of the NPF to view or print (including a Gaelic translation)

NPF downloadable versions

"Illustrating Outcomes"

Read about and download a high resolution version of a creative illustration of the NPF. Or download a template where you can add your own illustration or doodles.

Slide pack

Download a slide pack with some general background information and advice on outcomes working. Use this and adapt it for your own circumstances.

NPF icons

A document containing versions of the National Outcome icons is available to download.

Case studies

The NPF around Scotland

Here are some snapshots of the range of work going on across Scotland that contributes to the NPF:

How the Scottish Government is using the NPF

Case studies from the Third Sector

Evaluation Support Scotland (ESS) works with third sector organisations and funders so that they can measure and report on their impact. ESS has captured case studies from a number of voluntary organisations who have used the National Performance Framework (NPF) in their work.

If you want to share your experience of using the NPF in your work, please get in touch by email or tweet us @ScotGovOutcomes.

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