National Performance Framework

Purpose: To improve the wellbeing of people living in Scotland, now and in the future


We are cared for as we need throughout our lives and value all those providing care 

We recognise that everyone needs care at some point in their life: as a child, in older age, or due to ill health or additional needs. We acknowledge the intrinsic value of caring for collective wellbeing and also the economic value of unpaid care that often goes unnoticed. We support and invest in care so that nobody providing paid or unpaid care experiences poverty, disadvantage or reduced wellbeing. We have a care sector that provides fair work and dignified, respectful care to all who need it. 

We reduce inequality through our actions to support caring, which is disproportionately carried out by women. We improve the lives of children, older people, and disabled people by ensuring high quality care. Disabled people can access the support they need to live independently. 

Everyone is cared for through their early years, as we support families, the childcare sector and care providers to look after children and young people. Children looked after in the care system feel loved and nurtured throughout their lives and have everything they need to thrive.

We recognise that for some, such as young carers, caring and being cared for happen at the same time. The right support is available for young carers to ensure they can be children first and foremost. 

We recognise that our population is ageing, and provision is made for this. Older people are supported through appropriate services to live well and as independently as possible. 

Children and Young People 

We grow up loved, safe and respected and every single one of us can realise our full potential

We uphold the human rights of all children and young people and do all we can to ensure they grow up in an environment of happiness, love and understanding, through which they can flourish. We recognise that children and young people are not simply future adults but human beings in their own right. We treat every child and young person as an individual and acknowledge that some children may face barriers that require special consideration. We involve children and young people in decisions about their lives and world and provide opportunities for them to participate in decision making processes.

Children and young people have strong, healthy relationships with their caregivers, family and wider social network. Families are supported as needed to raise their children in a nurturing and safe environment, and we ensure the same for those children who are care experienced.

We enhance life chances through access to schools, early years provision and other activities that are caring, respectful and encouraging places where everyone can learn, play and flourish.

Our communities – both physical and virtual - are safe places where children and young people are valued and treated with kindness. We provide the conditions in which all children can be healthy and active, both mentally and physically. We provide children and young people with hope for the future and create opportunities for them to fulfil their dreams. We are committed to a childhood for every child that fully prepares them to live a full life. 

Climate Action 

We live sustainably, achieve a just transition to net zero and build Scotland’s resilience to climate change

We are taking the decisive, urgent climate action necessary to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions. We act upon the interconnected climate and nature emergencies. We recognise that we must adapt and build resilience to the changing climate. 

We shift to renewable forms of heat and energy, providing warm homes and energy security for communities. We reduce the climate impact of the food we produce, consume and throw away, and create more resilient food systems. Our transport networks enable affordable, integrated, accessible and low carbon travel for all. Walking, cycling and wheeling are safe and convenient options for everyday journeys.

In our fair society, we ensure a just transition that benefits people and planet by supporting green jobs and resilient communities. We build an economy that thrives within planetary boundaries. 

We acknowledge our global impact and deepen our global leadership on international climate justice. We minimise our emissions through a circular economy that ensures responsible production, consumption and use of materials. Our waste management is effective and maximises recycling. Through our actions we reduce our impact on the climate change that disproportionately harms more vulnerable communities across the world. 


We live in communities that are connected, inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe

We live in thriving communities with access to all the local services and amenities we need to live full lives. We value the idea of community in its widest sense, and the benefit that communities of interest can bring to our lives. We recognise the importance of connection with others to wellbeing. Communities are empowered to make decisions about the issues that matter to them. Our communities are safe places that are welcoming to everyone. We have low levels of crime. We acknowledge that different approaches may be needed to enable all groups to feel safe in public spaces.

Communities offer what we need at all stages of life, from childhood to later years, and we support families and older people with the relevant services to enable everyone to meaningfully participate in community life. Our infrastructure, buildings and spaces are well maintained and accessible to all. Greenspace, leisure, arts and sports facilities are available and encourage recreational activity and social interaction. We plan our places to enable walking, wheeling and cycling for everyone.

We are fully connected to our community and further afield through universal digital access and excellent transport networks that are sustainable, affordable, accessible, reliable and integrated. We recognise that communities have diverse needs and support our rural, urban and island places to flourish. Strong communities have greater resilience in challenging times with volunteering and local networks that are responsive and supportive. 


We are creative and our vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely

Our culture, arts and events, including sporting events, bring happiness to our everyday lives as well as attracting international attention. We have a thriving tourist economy that is sustainable for local communities. 

We celebrate and nurture our history, heritage and languages, including Gaelic, while embracing the diversity of modern Scotland. Culture, religion and beliefs are respected. 

Our culture and events sector flourishes, bringing social and economic benefits through broad ranging activities that are accessible to all. There are opportunities to work in sustainable creative industries. 

We support our communities to experience local cultural offerings including events and festivals, libraries, leisure facilities, arts and heritage sites.

Wellbeing Economy and Fair Work 

We have a competitive, entrepreneurial economy that is fair, green and growing, with thriving businesses and industry and fair work for everyone.

We have a flourishing economy, operating within safe environmental limits which serves and prioritises the collective wellbeing of current and future generations. We recognise that investing in a strong wellbeing economy can drive economic prosperity and support incomes, jobs and quality of life for everyone. 

Economic development takes a whole-system, partnership approach between public, private, voluntary and community spheres, helping to reduce poverty and inequality and improve health and living standards across all of Scotland.

We have fully embedded circularity, sustainable use of resources, responsible consumption and community wealth building approaches to build an economy that works for us all, supports our communities and protects our environment. We understand the economy plays a key role in solving the climate and nature crises, and harness opportunities in developing green skills, industries and technologies. 

We are well connected across urban, rural and island communities. Digital inclusion ensures full participation in the economy. Our transport networks support access to goods and services and movement of freight. We have confident, empowered consumers who are enabled to make sustainable decisions. 

Our economy is competitive and entrepreneurial. We have good international trade, investment and export networks. We are an attractive place to do business. We support our existing sectors to continue to thrive while unlocking the potential of new sectors and industries. 

We recognise the crucial role of businesses of all types and support our Small and Medium Enterprises.

Fair work is accessible to all, and we reduce inequalities. Good quality jobs, availability of flexible working and reducing barriers to the labour market are good for the economy as well as our people. We reduce unfair pay gaps. We acknowledge the role of different sectors, including the third and voluntary sector, in providing quality employment. We have a highly skilled and educated workforce.

We share wealth and economic power more equally, and the people of Scotland have a greater stake in our economy, making it work better for our communities and planet.

Education and Learning 

We are well educated, have access to high quality learning throughout our lives and are able to contribute to society

We learn throughout our lives, enriching ourselves and our skills. We provide excellent education for all our children and young people through an education system that meets everyone’s needs and prepares them for the future. Our education professionals are valued and empowered to provide high quality learning and teaching. Schools support good mental health and wellbeing and are inclusive places that can respond to diverse needs. 

Our universities and colleges provide lifelong opportunities to learn. Our high-quality research is world leading and we exchange our knowledge with others globally. 

We recognise that learning happens in many ways and settings – in the home, in communities, at educational establishments and through work. Skills development is supported. All forms of learning are valued and enable us to contribute to society and the economy. 


We actively protect, restore, enhance and enjoy our natural environment 

We recognise the value of our natural environment for our health, society, economy and wellbeing, and that humanity exists within our planet’s ecological limits. We acknowledge the urgent need to protect, restore and regenerate our environment, and to increase biodiversity. We play our full role in tackling the global nature emergency. 

We have clean and unpolluted air, water and soils. We use nature-based solutions and we promote sustainable planning, development and use of our land and marine areas. We adapt to the changing climate to manage the impact of weather systems and events. 

Access to a healthy, high-quality environment is a right available to all, and we enjoy our landscapes, coastline and green spaces responsibly. 

Equality and Human Rights 

We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination

We recognise and protect the intrinsic value of all people and are a society founded on fairness, dignity, equality and respect. 

We are committed to equality, inclusion and fulfilling human rights at home and abroad. We recognise that human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. We oppose discrimination and strive to improve outcomes for everyone. We tackle persistent inequalities together, recognising the disadvantage that is faced by certain groups including where forms of disadvantage intersect.

We continue to embed equality and human rights across our decision making and service delivery. We promote gender equality and address discrimination against women and girls. 

We live in a well governed society. We actively enable citizens to participate in democratic processes through empowering communities, participation in decision-making and open, transparent government processes. 

We have a fair, effective and accessible justice system. We live free from all forms of violence, including violence against women and girls. 


We are mentally and physically healthy and active

We experience the best mental and physical health possible at every stage of our lives. We focus on preventing ill health and maximising good health and wellbeing. We understand that this requires a whole system approach that addresses the underlying causes of ill health and that this is a responsibility we all share. Healthy and affordable food is available to all communities. We minimise the impact of unhealthy food, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, and provide support where this is required. We have active everyday lives through walking, wheeling and cycling, and wide participation in sport and exercise. Access to clean air and green spaces promotes better health.We support and invest in our NHS to ensure it can provide the right care at the right time and is resilient when faced with current and future challenges. Our healthcare workforce are valued. The facilities that enable good health and access to healthcare are available in communities, including recreation and leisure, local health services and support services. We recognise the value of communities and the third sector in supporting health and social care.

We recognise the differing health needs and inequalities across our population, and ensure that everyone, including women, children, older people, disabled people and those living in rural or island communities, and those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage, have access to the most appropriate services and care to meet those needs. 

Social care is integrated and person centred and can help to support the healthcare system. We provide compassionate and respectful care until the end of life to improve wellbeing in all circumstances. 


We live in safe, high-quality and affordable homes that meet our needs 

We ensure that everyone has housing that is safe, secure, accessible and affordable. Homelessness and the causes of homelessness are addressed. There is availability of housing of all tenures, including social housing, in our urban and rural areas.

We plan our communities sustainably to ensure there is suitable, good quality housing for all types of households and access to local services. Housing is sustainable, energy efficient, resilient and well maintained.

Housing meets everyone’s needs, throughout all stages of life. We are supported to live independently within our communities. 


We are connected, open, show leadership and make a positive contribution globally.

Being a good global citizen is a responsibility we all share. We recognise that we are all interconnected, within Scotland and across the globe. We understand that the decisions that impact our own wellbeing here and now will also have wider effects internationally and in the future. 

We are committed to promoting peace, democracy and human rights globally. We provide global leadership through positive international relations, our support for international development and our climate action. 

We promote our place in the world and deepen our relationships with others, building influence and exchange networks. We collaborate to maximise the contribution of our research and innovation. We enhance our prosperity, and that of our businesses and industry, through international trade and supply chains. 

We welcome all who choose to visit, live and work in Scotland and value the positive contribution they make. 

Reduce Poverty

We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally

We reduce poverty to ensure that everyone has access to suitable housing, food, heat, energy, transport, and material goods, and strive towards full equality regardless of background. We recognise the links between poverty and gender, ethnicity, disability and health, and act to reduce inequalities.

We remove barriers to education and employment. Fair work, social security, fair taxation and wealth distribution provide routes out of poverty. 

Anyone experiencing poverty is treated with dignity and respect. We support families who need it, to become financially secure so that children do not grow up in poverty. We tackle deep-seated and multi-generational child poverty to stop the cycles that reduce opportunity, and that lead to further inequalities.


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